Termite Inspections
For your convenience, Home Scientific can also provide a wood destroying insect (WDI) report commonly known as a “termite inspection.” Central Texas is classified as an area with “moderate” to “heavy” termite activity and a WDI inspection is recommended on all homes more than a year old.
Termite inspections document
▪ active infestations of termites, carpenter ants and other wood destroying insects
▪ evidence prior infestations
▪ evidence of prior treatments
▪ conditions considered conducive to infestations
▪ recommendations for corrective and preventative treatment
Many lenders today require a WDI report before funding a mortgage.
A home inspection is not required to schedule a termite inspection.
Home Scientific WDI reports are conducted in coordination with the Inspectors Service Group; a full service pest control company. If a treatment is needed, ISG can provide a quote in a timely manner.